Monday, 23 July 2012

Vision- Blessing or a Curse?

Allium GlobeMaster

Sometimes the very quality that defines a true Gardener can be as much of a curse as a blessing. That ability to see beyond the obvious, to plan for the future, to envision the potential, can also prevent us from attending to necessary day-to-day chores and allow areas to 'escape' untended or forgotten.
My husband and I began a total renovation of our Fort Langley home five years ago. Our original plans included an addition off the back which would have encroached on a small hill we had created that was to eventually become a waterfall feature with pond.
In preparation for that we dug up and moved most of my woodland/shade plants to a 'temporary' position in my much sunnier Alpine garden. As fate would have it, our Architect/builder let us down, and we are no longer planning an addition. In the meantime, the unplanted hill has become overgrown and weedy, as has the bark-mulched area that is to become a stone patio.
We are also going to replace the soffits and eavestroughs, so last fall we had dug up all the gardens next to the house, and forseeing that plants would become trampled on, had just mulched the area with ground-up leaves. However, we haven't had the soffits installed yet, and last week, I couldn't stand looking at the bare Earth any longer, and so planted a few annuals in one of the beds beside the house.

The problem with the unkempt 'hill' and 'bark mulch patio' is that they are right outside my bedroom window, and the first thing I see every morning. Finally yesterday, I couldn't stand viewing that mess anymore, and implored Hubby to help me clean it up a little.

See what I mean, guess I stopped seeing the mess, and was picturing the future!

Today, after an afternoon's work, vast improvement in my view!

<div><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" height="60" width="180" border="0" /></a></div>

Saturday, 21 July 2012

July 21, 2012

Allium cristophii

Time to climb a new learning curve...

First attempt at a blog...

I love to garden, and am always searching to create that perfect spot, that ah ha moment. Though I think I should know better, I do find my gardens are more plant driven, ie. I buy the plant, and then look for the right location, rather than making an intellectual choice as to which plant would be best for a certain spot!

We live in the Pacific Northwest, in Fort Langley, B.C., so we are blessed with a wonderful climate to garden in, and so many choices when it comes to nurseries, both commercial and home-based, in which to search for that elusive 'next plant'!

Unfortunately, I lost my camera while on vacation recently, so pictures will have to be from my files or taken with an old digital. I'm on the hunt for a new camera, and any suggestions will be gladly accepted.

Please send me a message  via if you drop by, so I can take a peek at your blog too. Am hoping that I can use this sharing blogs to find out more about plants I have or 'should have' in my garden, and can hopefully help others out with what I have learned.

Some of my recent 'Successes'... always looking to create combos that work!

I love the Gold Heart Dicentra. I had let it languish for a year or two in its original gallon sized pot, but it survived and is flourishing in its new spot. Picture was taken one month ago, and today it is still blooming! Hosta 'June' is in the forefront, along with Primula vulgaris (bottom right) that will usually bloom twice a year - prolifically in spring and then again in September. To the bottom left and not showing in the picture is a variegated Japanese grass, Hakonechloa aureola. Behind this combo are two very large Rhododendrons, 15 x 15 ft each, so because of the deep dark green of their leaves, having three lighter leaved plants in close proximity works.

One of my favourite late spring combos! I have three Heuchera Marmalade spread out on the front edge of one of my borders. I have different plants behind each forming the 'middle layer' of my border. This one sets off the purple tones of the emerging leaves of Eucomis comosa. By mid-July the leaves will have lost most of their purple, but until they do, I think this combo is stunning!

Hostas are an indispensable staple of any Perennial garden, and here in the Pacific NorthWest, they  are a given! Here are two of my favourites... Hosta Guacamole on top, and H. Striptease on bottom. I'll have to split them this fall.