Monday, 1 April 2013

April 1st, No joke, I'm winning an Ugly Garden Contest!

In one of my previous posts, Vision- Blessing or Curse? I discussed an area of our garden that had been neglected, and needed drastic cleaning up. Well, I have the pics to prove I did clean it up, and this spring, it looks worse than ever! We had pulled up the old landscape cloth which was embedded with weed roots entangled with bark mulch. Our garbage collectors even refused to take it as there was green waste attached to the cloth, which is not allowed in our landfill! Arghh! So we laid down new landscape cloth, replaced what was left of the bark mulch, and weeded to the best of our ability. We didn't top up the mulch, as we still intend to pave this area with stones or brick, and didn't want more waste to have to get rid of in the near future. Big Mistake! With only a couple of inches or so of bark, and in some areas, even less than that, the weeds and weed seeds have prospered to the point that I entered a pic of this area in our town's Ugly Garden Contest! The only good news in this sad tale, is that if I win, there is a prize of a gift certificate which I hope to use towards finally finishing this patio off! So, in a desperate attempt to win some more votes, I'm pleading with my fellow Bloggers to vote for my Ugly Garden, and help end this sad excuse for a patio once and for all! Contest runs until April 14th, and you can vote 3X per email per day. If this link works, My public name is Weedin, and the pic to vote for has green siding and plastic chairs. Thanks so much, and I hope to be able to update with better news later in the year!

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